Twisting the facts

Remember when Sierra Mist came out? While Pepsi was saying it was the height of refreshment, I was saying it had already reached the height of its popularity long ago. I remember proving this to a friend at some fast food place, maybe a Taco Bell. I dug at the corner of the shiny Sierra Mist sticker on the fountan and peeled it back just enough to reveal "Lemon-Lime Slice" undernearth it. I'm surprised nobody ever noticed Lemon-Lime Slice slipping off the shelf and into its cocoon. Not to emerge as a butterfly, but to come out as a middle-aged man after a makeover. Nothing new, but at least it looked better. It was about then, that I also said that the other flavors of Slice weren't popular enough and that they, too, would experience the same fate.

Tropicana Twister SodaFast forward a couple years or so, and that brings us to today. I bought gas for my car today and was in the mood for gingerale. I went inside, and not only did they not have any, they didn't have anything in cans, either. I hate to say it, but I really could have gone for something in a can - I can tell the difference in flavor. Instead, I saw Pepsi's new Tropicana Twiseter Soda. First of all, Tropicana Twister was a favorite of mine a long time ago - particularly the Strawberry, Orange, Banana. And if memory serves me correctly, that variety probably had close to 30% juice in it. Today, that same brand name represents a soda with 1% (that's ONE percent. In a 20 oz. bottle, that would be about 1.2 teaspoons!). Memory doesn't serve me very well for sure, but all I could find is the average Tropicana Twister juice drink variety has about 13% juice, which at least puts it above Fruitopia. Anyway, as I was saying....Tropicana Twister Soda - Orange IS almost beyond the shadow of a doubt - Orange Slice. Tastes the same. For someone who's into pseudo-juices, keep in mind that it has several times as much refined sugar in there as there is fruit juice.

I watched Herbie: Fully Loaded tonight. One thing I can say for sure - the theater wasn't fully loaded. I was one of 7. 4 of these were female. I know it was a late showing on a weekday, but it's all I have to go on. It was a great movie. It really was reminiscent of what little I've seen of the earlier Herbie. As far as Disney movies go, it ranks pretty well even if it stars one of their template stars. By template star, I mean a movie pretty much built around showcasing one of their stars. It's pretty sad though - Lindsay Lohan is going to OWN Disney remakes. She was in a Freaky Friday remake AND a Parent Trap remake too. I bought a child size popcorn. Ever realize that the child size is bigger than a bag of microwave popcorn? If you were at home, wouldn't you think that even a whole bag of microwave popcorn might be a bit much at one time? Somehow, people get tricked into buying the bigger sizes. Don't worry, it's not the biggest scam in theater concessions.

Need something fresh? Stop on over for some purified water. I found out it would be so cheap to use a Brita filter for my water needs. Only concern is that it wouldn't taste as good as what came in the pre-filled jugs. I haven't decided yet. It tastes kind of like the tap water here, except with a lot less chlorine flavor and a little plastic taste. Not bad, overall - I give it a 7. I know that the placebo effect is supposed to take over the rest of the taste differences, but that didn't work on me. I'm stuck seeing it for what it is - a cheap substitute that I'd better believe is good enough for me, because it means I'll drink a ton more a year...if I did the math right. Know what? I don't have room for 20 gallon jugs in my apartment, and every time I re-fill this one, I get fresh water. It's a matter of space as much as anything else.

I sure did spend a long time in consumerland today. I bought 3 novels at Wal-Mart today. I have no idea how to start reading novels, but I realized that it sure is a lot cheaper than a DVD and it lasts more than an hour and a half. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 Comment on this post

Followup on the water – clean, clear, and under control. This Brita water tastes great!!!

Chad Garrett

Jun. 23, 2005 at 6:13 am


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